Thursday, September 28, 2006

this week

well folks this week i seem to have gotten over my homesickness. i havent been anywhere or done anything so i dont have much to write. this is my 5 day week at work so there is not much else going on. however, this weekend is my 4 day off thingy!! its also a public holiday on monday something to do with the queens birthday????? the perth royal show is on all week next week cos its the kids school holidays. i have no idea what its all about but apparently everyone has to go! think there are animals etc, lots of competitions do to with the animals etc. there are also rides so i think its a mix of something like the highland games. the weather here is getting better, its really sunny but not too hot although the weather forecast is for it to be 29 degrees on friday and guess what i am working!!!!!!!! hope it lasts over the weekend, michael is also off on monday so we can at least spend some time together as a family. if the weather holds up then we might manage to take murrae to the beach to try out his new boogie board. i will try and take some new pics for you to see. our crate has arrived in perth and is through quarantine so we just have to wait for it to clear customs then we will have the rest of our stuff!!!! yay!!! will be able to get my printer and scanner set up. murrae got his school photos and they are really good. we will scan them on to the computer so you can all see him. it was taken on his 12th birthday which worked out quite well. well folks time to shower and make lunch before i head off to work. love yas. xxxx


shazza said...

thanks for the other night, i needed a good greet and someone to talk to. i miss you heaps and i know you said you would never move here but i wish you would!!!! we would have a ball!!! that and i need a bloody good hairdresser!!! tell leigh to get her skates on and apply to move here too!!!

Nat said...

Woohoo, your boots are here!

I got burnt to buggery yesterday cycling to Cottesloe! Remember to slip slap slop!

WA is too lazy to have the Queenies birthday at the proper month. They are a bit like me. Everyone always gets my birthday pressies two months too late!!

WA= Wait Awhile

shazza said...

nat you silly girlie!!!!! sun screen whats that?? you know me i never use it. lucky you being off to get burnt!!! i was working!!!! hope you had a good night last night. i did my usual and got very very drunk!!!! think i had a good time tho???