Monday, August 20, 2007

parties and accidents

hi folks, well its been two weeks since my last post. not much has happened but we had a house warming party on the 11th august and a good time was had by all. there were approximately 23 people here most of them nurses!! (kenny you missed a golden opportunity!!) i will post pictures when my friend sends me copies!! my camera battery died an hour before people started arriving so i will have to rely on jasmin. however, this weekend my darling little puppy dog hamish decided to get over excited when i was playing with him and he headbutted me in the face. i now have a nice little purple area on my cheek bone! i have to go to school today for stevis subject selection interview and to see the principal about her being bullied and skiving off school last week!! how nice am i going to look!!! oh well shit happens!!!! 52 DAYS til my dad gets here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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