Sunday, September 09, 2007


well this is my brilliant life in australia!!! if anyone thought that michael and the kids would change then you are sooooo wrong!!!! this pic shows mikey on the sofa, pissed and asleep! michael sober and asleep!!! and the bloody dog!!! all asleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! murrae is in bed and stevi is staying with a friend!! this is the scene that greets me!!! i have spent the evening watching uk tv, most haunted texting my brother!!! me not out on the piss on a sat!!??? i cant remember the last time i was pissed? think it was
about march>? its now bloody september?????? whats happening to me......................................................

1 comment:

Nat said...

You can leave the country but you can't leave you!

Nothing ever changes but the weather we live in!

Anyway, Mikey didn't even drink in Aberdeen. Now he's drinking in 'The Deen'!