well everyone else is doing it so i thought what the hell!!! this is for all my friends and family so that we can keep them up to speed on our 'Big Adventure'. currently we are anxiously awaiting verification of our visas for oz. my nursing registration has been finalized and last communications from the migration agent was visas 'pending registration'!! guess this is it then folks! the flat has been on the market for a week and we have has a good offer. i will be phoning the solicitor today for her advice. oh my god we could be homeless soon!!
the on going saga of us moving lock stock and barrel to australia has been a long one! 18 years in fact! michael got the chance of moving abroad when he was 18, we were a two income no children family, but alas i was young and needed to be near my folks. over the years we spoke about it frequently but it never seemed to be the right time, kids were too young, we were too skint etc etc. however, years later i have my nursing qualification, the kids are the right age and one of my best friends deserted me to live in paradise!! its a bit like fate, we decided that this was it and lo and behold there appears an advertisement in the local paper for skilled workers to migrate to WA!!!! we apply, go for interview in glasgow, take copies of all our cv's, qualifications etc and then we get an email to say that all paper work has been lost! 1st instance of lots of tears from me!! now this hasnt been easy for us, its been dragging on forever and with plenty of tears from me. its been hard work and very stressful collating all paper work, getting medicals and chest x-rays etc, while trying to work fulltime and look after the family, but we think that we are finally getting there.
so there thats our saga! i will update this as and when things change!!!