Sunday, October 10, 2010

dressed up

This week I have been stressing out about what to wear to the WA Nursing and Midwifery Awards Ball. I couldnt find anything that would fit me that I would want to wear, my boobs were too big, belly stuck out or some other pain in the ass! So I decided that I would have to wear something that I already have. I chose this dress because the last time I wore it was the SJOG 2009 ball that me, Michael, Sharmain and Paul got absolutely minging and I cant actually remember wearing it!! he he he. I was a bit p'd off at Stevi cos she said she would come and help me get ready but alas no, mother gets stood up again! I ended up getting ready in a hurry and was getting stressed and stressed that my hair wouldnt sit. I have to confess tho, I had a wonderful time and that if I didnt look right then tough!!