Sunday, October 01, 2006

mikeys new t shirt and other things

well this weekend we have been busy little socialites. friday was 29 degrees and everyone and their dog were at the beach, me, michael and mikey were however at work! dave and mechelle decided they were having a poolside bbq and kindly invited us round. i scurried home from work, jumped into the shower and readied myself for a nice relaxing evening. off we travelled round the corner
and up the hill. the kids were stripped off and in the pool before my first drink was in my eager little hands. here we see murrae and stevi having fun in the pool. murrae was in there til gone 9pm and must have been freezing. he is however beginning to swim like a little fishy. stevi paddled around and finally managed to swim across the pool under water. hopefully this means that shes nearly there for the real deal!!! mikey didnt stay as he had a prior engagement with his work mates and another bbq. he did as you can see have time for a quick beer. do you like his new t shirt??? his neck and arms are almost black but alas the chest and back are still aberdeen white. we ate, we drank and we were merry, well i was. that will be the very early morning, the fact that i dont get out much, oh and the bottle of smirnoff i managed to get over my throat!!!! dont remember much about getting home but apparently i was giggling like a school kid but no one knew what at!!! receipe for hangover yesterday! no!! up bright and early putting washing on tidying up etc!!! bbq no 2!!!! off we go to clint and chris mansion! what a house! its gorgeous. 3 storey high, all balconies and mezzanines!!! in the theatre room we all settled down to watch the GRAND FINAL! its an aussie rules league final thing and is the highlight of this time of year! loads of hype etc. the WA team won by one point. enter lots of screaming and running round the garden! and that was just the neighbours. it was like party central in perth last night. every street had parties going on! we ate some more and then the men settled down to some serious poker playing! now mikey and michael have never played before, mikey is a natural!!! he loves it!! and the little bugger wins!!!!! 8 hours later they are all still playing and chris and mechelle have joined the game!!! i didnt,, me being thick like still doesnt understand the rules!!!!! will have to get mikey to teach me!! think murrae probably has the jist of it too!!! apart from mikey there were 7 kids there also and i would bet that they could all play a mean hand of poker!!!!! guess what the story of the holidays will be about???? 'my dad and his friends taught me how to play poker whilst drinking vast amounts of alcohol!!!!'. now today i am not sure what we are up to but its the queens birthday on monday so its a holiday so maybe we will just relax and recharge after our couple of days on the booze and bbq cruise. then its off to the perth royal show on monday!!!! will update as it happens folks!!!!


Nat said...

So glad you had a great time on Friday AND Saturday!

Lucky buggers.

Summers finally coming....hoorahhhh! It won't rain til May now.

Yippeeeee. xxx

shazza said...

thank god!!!! i cant wait for summer!! i still sulk when i have to work when its sunny and hot!!! bring on the land of bbqs and drinking on the beach!!!! have found a few houses with more rooms and pools!!!! the only thing is they are further north!!!! and your moving further south!!!!!!!!!

shazza said...

hey dave, no bbq in duthie park has no comparison what so ever!!! we have had a crackin weekend and many more to come!!!! nae so good about the bairn tho, am sure he misses his mum. will she come and stay with you and julie when she finally comes home or will she get a house from the council? at least you know where she is tho? it could be worse she could come and take him away to wales!! just as well hes got you and julie eh! pretty shitty about christmas too! pity you couldnt up and come here for then. he would have a ball!!!!

soozy knew you would be fine!!! but its sooooooooo much better here!!!!! private hospital = nicer patients!!!!!! no ivdas or alkies = no abuse or violence!!!! we dont actually celebrate the old dears birthday just have the day off!!!! am looking at houses with pools and extra bedrooms now!!!! hurry up and come and visit!!!!!!!!