Friday, July 28, 2006

and the princess!!

and here she is!! she doesnt mind the uniform or the actual school but hates the bus home. its really rowdy and there are not enough seats. there is nothing we can do about it she has to get the school bus theres not a public service from the school to our house. she could walk it in about 30mins but theres not a hope in hell of that happening!!! we have also offered her a bike but thats a no too!!! i was a good girl today walked to the shopping centre in the next suburb. its like the trinity centre but with supermarkets too. it took me 20mins to walk it and i was intending taking the bus back but i chickened out and walked back too. i took a different route as the way there was all up and down hill. i walked along scarborough beach road looking at all the pretty houses. it took a little longer but i was dawdling and it basically flat!!!! if i can do that a couple of times a week then thats my exercise!!!!


Nat said...

She IS a princess so be nice to her!

Those bloody ocker birds can't hurt Stevs.

She's Aberdonian!

She'll be right, mate....scccisssh (opening can of xxxx)!

shazza said...

kenny thats not fair!!! hit on stevis thing about her brother!!!!! murrae doesnt care what he looks like hes 11!!!!

nat what you talking about you only had to live with her for two bloody weeks!!! princess attitude, princess lifestyle NOT!

the herb pair!!!! she is delighted with her uniform, no blazer and no tie!!! and she doesnt have to have a roll on sun block in her tray!!! yes i am sure the school bus will stink of urine and other nasties, its mainly boys on the bus after all!!!!

soozy, some things never change eh chick!!! sounds like a top night tho! whats this about snap and teeth??? what the bloody hell are you doing to my cat!!! hes NEVER bitten anyone!!!!! think you can forget about kenny doing you kitchen! unless you text or phone his mobile, something wrong with the landline so hes internet cold turkey!!!! we went on the piss on friday and didnt get home til 6am! top night tho, sitting out on the patio with our new friends drinking champers no less!!! and i didnt have a hang over! it was fantastic, if this is winter bring it on!!!! cant wait til summer will have to get the bbq bought!!!!

chummy far are ye?????!!! you said you'd made comments but have only seen one about the hoose!!!!

laurenjo, hiya babes! missing you and your bros heaps. tell mum and dad to get saving you kids would love it here! ok the school uniform is questionable but the lifestyle is cool, you kids even get to come to the pub!!!