Saturday, August 19, 2006

We have sofas!!!!!!

well at long last we have sofas!! Was getting fed up of sitting on the cheap ikea chairs. Its nice to have real seats to sit on! Finally i can sit on the sofa and fall asleep in michaels lap! the big one is a sofa bed so there is somewhere for our mega!!???? amounts of visitors we are going to have!! mmm. will wait and see just how many people actually get here! notice that we have ended up buying yet another hyundai!!! we almost bought one exactly the same colour as our old one!!!! Surprisingly enough the colour of this one on the documents is 'pink'!!!! i find it quite amusing at the thought of Michael driving around in a pink car!!!!! he states that its cherry red!!!???? Yes ok but i know what the documents say!!!

just a well the sofas came to day i have the hangover from hell. Went to works fundraiser cheese and wine night, it was good and the wine was lovely but you know me, its just never enough!!! Ended up in town with Nat and got blootered. she was talking to some aboriginal in the park and i got fed up waiting so just wandered off!!! Ended up walking around bubbling cos i didnt know where i was. i lost my phone so i couldnt even phone michael, not that i would have been able to remember the phone number!!! finally got a taxi and got home around 4.30am. feel like a complete arsehole the day like!! its not big and not clever to get bladdered in a strange city!!!! so ended up having to go and buy yet another new phone today! when will i learn??? at least no one knows me and the girls at work didnt come into town so they dont know what an arse i made of myself!!!! but i am sure there will be plenty time for me to do that again!!!!!


shazza said...

no nothing much changes!!!! dave is a dear friend from murdos he doesnt always drink in the bells. the bouncers name is ian and the next time you see him tell him nat and i said hi. well cant say that i am surprised that the carpets are getting sticky again!!!!

aky said...

kenny was drunk went home with some old flame it wasnt farmer it was stillie that said hello , well well michael going about in a PINK car are going all spey on us mate hope everythings fine hello to u all.

shazza said...

dave, the bairns awa ti school already!!!! oh my god far dis time go?? 4 and a half years mate!!! hope to bloody hell i have a new one by then!! and a bigger house with a spare room!!!
kenny, you dont have to explain yourself to ME???? nudge nudge wink wink!!!! (joke) yeah i do remember them, doesnt she have a kid to one of you and marks other mates??? you know scotty patterson, did you go to springhill with him? i know he ended up at torry but couldnt quite get the connection wi you. hes also out here, he plays fitba for the over 35s yet i'm sure you guys are not that old!!!!......... yet!!!

aky said...

fit like aussies hope thats not the same scotty patterson thats just signed for cove rangers, any way hows everyone doin enjoying life only 12months till me and kenny arrive hopefully is michael still working hello to all